【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto

【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto                                   


【阿弥陀仏とキリストの7つの共通点】・キリストの12使徒の一人、トマスのインド宣教 Seven Common Points Between Amida Buddha and Christ / The Indian mission of Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Christ.


Seven Common Points Between Amida Buddha and Christ  / The Indian mission of Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Christ.


《〈梵〉Amitābha(無量光仏と訳)Amitāyus(無量寿仏と訳)の音写から》西方浄土の教主。 すべての衆生を救おうと48の誓いを立てた仏。 浄土宗・浄土真宗では本尊とし、念仏による極楽往生を説く。 弥陀。

Between Amida Buddha and Christ, there are numerous commonalities as described below.

Amida Buddha:
[Derived from the Sanskrit words Amitābha (translated as "Infinite Light Buddha") and Amitāyus (translated as "Infinite Life Buddha")]
The principal deity of the Western Pure Land, who made 48 vows to save all sentient beings. In Pure Land Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu, Amida Buddha is revered as the main deity, preaching salvation through the recitation of the nembutsu. Also known as "Mida."


"Seven Common Points Between Amida Buddha and Christ"

1. 両者の住んでいる場所の方向が似ている。



1. The directions of their respective dwelling places are similar.

Amida Buddha is said to reside in the "Western Pure Land of One Hundred Trillion Worlds," also known as the "Pure Land" (極楽浄土). It is described as being located far to the west, beyond countless countries. On the other hand, the birthplace of Christ is in Palestine, which is considerably to the west from India and even more so from China and Japan.

"Western Pure Land of One Hundred Trillion Worlds" refers to the Pure Land where Amida Buddha is believed to reside, situated to the west of countless millions of Buddha lands.


2. 阿弥陀仏もキリストも共に「命」や「光」と呼ばれている。


The life and light of Amida Buddha and Christ.

2. Both Amida Buddha and Christ are referred to as "life" and "light."

In the "Amida Sutra," Amida Buddha is described as the Buddha of "Infinite Life" (無量寿) and "Infinite Light" (無量光).


On the other hand, Christ is also referred to in a similar way. In the opening of the "Gospel of John," it is stated about Christ, "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind" (John 1:4).


In the past, Shinran Shonin said, "Have faith in the Buddha of Muryo-ji Temple (Amida Buddha), and take refuge in its wondrous light." (Namu Amida Butsu, Namo Muryojukyo)


3. 両方の人間を見る見方が似ている。




 Their perspective on humanity is the same.

3. The way they view humanity is similar.

Both hold the perspective that humans are not inherently in a pure and virtuous state capable of achieving salvation through their own efforts.

In the Bible, it is stated, "There is no one righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10), pointing out the harsh reality of human nature. The attitude towards humanity in both Amida Buddha and Christ is remarkably similar.


4. 阿弥陀仏の場合もキリストの場合も、もうひとりの偉大な存在者のもとで、人間救済の決意を固めたということです。

 Buddha of Immeasurable Life and God Yahweh.

4.  In both the case of Amida Buddha and Christ, it is the commitment to human salvation under the guidance of another great existence.


5. 開業後、両者の救済の基礎が似ている。


『無量寿経』は、大乗仏教の経典の一つ。 原題は『スカーヴァティー・ヴィユーハ』で、「極楽の荘厳」という意味である。

 Salvation through Atonement.

5.  After their enlightenment, the foundation of the salvation in both cases is similar.

The "Larger Sutra of Immeasurable Life" states that Amida Buddha, through the practice of atonement as a surrogate, ensures the salvation of those who believe in him. Similarly, the Bible teaches that through Christ's sacrificial death as a substitute, those who believe in him are saved.

The "Larger Sutra of Immeasurable Life" is a scripture in Mahayana Buddhism, with its original title being "Sukhāvatīvyūha," meaning "The Splendor of the Pure Land."


6. 両者の救おうとしている対象は悪人である。



「正機」:仏語。 仏の教えを受けて悟りを得る、その直接の対象となる資質。 また、その人。

 The Object of Salvation is the Wicked.

6.  In both cases, the target of salvation is the wicked.

It is common for us to think that only the virtuous are saved, and the wicked are not. However, both Amida Buddha and Christ aim to save those considered sinful.

In the Gospel of Mark (2:17), Jesus responded to criticism by saying, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." This reflects the salvific nature of Christ, focusing on those in need of redemption.

The term "正機" (Shōki) in Buddhism refers to the disposition or capacity to directly receive enlightenment through understanding the teachings of the Buddha. It is also used to denote an individual possessing such qualities.


7. 最後に両者とも救いを受けるのは、ただ信仰によるということである。


 Salvation through Faith.

7.  In the end, both emphasize that salvation is received through faith alone.

Whether it is salvation through Amida Buddha or through Christ, the foundation of salvation lies in the work of the savior, and the key aspect is the act of faith on the part of the individual seeking salvation.


In Christianity, it is called "grace," while in Buddhism, it is referred to as "Other Power." The expressions may differ, but the meaning is the same.



使徒トマス(Thomas the Apostle)は、新約聖書に登場するイエスの使徒の一人。アラム語の原義は「双子」。彼に由来する男性名としても一般的に用いられている。『ヨハネによる福音書』では3か所で「ディディモと呼ばれるトマス」として言及される。

During the time when Amida Buddha is believed to have appeared, which is around the mid-1st century to the 2nd century, as previously mentioned, Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Christ, had already carried out missions in India. Thomas arrived in India in the year 52 AD.

Thomas the Apostle is one of the disciples of Jesus mentioned in the New Testament. The Aramaic origin of his name means "twin," and the name Thomas is commonly used as a male given name derived from him. In the Gospel of John, he is referred to as "Thomas, also called Didymus," in three instances.











In India, the Apostle Thomas preached seven things:

1. First, that a Savior called Christ was born in a western land.

2. Second, that Christ is the Savior of eternal life and eternal light.

3. Third, that every human is a sinner, and human efforts alone cannot bring salvation.

4. Fourth, that Christ, a true and existent deity, came from God for the salvation of humanity.

5. Fifth, that Christ, in order to save us sinners, underwent the suffering of crucifixion as a substitutionary sacrifice, and anyone who calls upon his name in faith will be saved.

6. Sixth, that Christ came not only to call the righteous but also to invite and save sinners.

7. Seventh, that the means to receive this salvation is through faith.

Inspired by these teachings, the faith in Amida Buddha was born.


The seven teachings that Thomas preached in India stimulated the emergence of a new faith, Amida Buddha faith. I will provide a bit more detailed explanation below.



The presence and birthplace of Christ.

Thomas conveyed the message that a Savior called Christ was born in a western land. This reported existence of Christ contributed to the development of Amida Buddha faith.



Savior of eternal life and light.

Thomas emphasized that Christ is the Savior of eternal life and eternal light. This characteristic resonated with the attributes of Amida Buddha, creating a shared understanding among the believers.




Human sin and salvation.

Thomas explained that every human is a sinner and cannot be saved by their own efforts. This perspective was inherited in Amida Buddha faith, emphasizing the necessity of salvation.



The principle of salvation through substitution.

Thomas preached that believers are saved through the sacrificial death of Christ as a substitute, and this teaching resonated with the concept of substitution in Amida Buddha faith.



In Thomas's teachings, it is mentioned that Christ came not only to call the righteous but also to invite and save sinners. This element of broadening the scope of salvation became a feature in Amida Buddha faith as well.



Salvation through faith.

The final teaching that Thomas conveyed was that the means to receive salvation is through faith. In Amida Buddha faith as well, salvation is believed to be accomplished through faith, establishing a common foundation of belief.


The amalgamation of these various elements resulted in the distinctive evolution of Amida Buddha faith, fostering a profound interconnection through dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism, leading to religious diversity and empathy. Such exchanges underscore that religion extends beyond mere doctrine, intertwining with human experience and culture.

日本文化と聖書🙏 【十善戎について】十戒との比較 #じゅうぜんかい #仏教 #十悪 #モーセの十戒 #キリスト教 #旧約聖書