【ヨルダン川を渡る】 (ヨシュア記1-5章 ) JORDAN'S RIVER The Modern Folk Quartet #聖書 #キリスト #イエスキリスト
【ヨルダン川を渡る】 (ヨシュア記1-5章 ) JORDAN'S RIVER The Modern Folk Quartet
14 民が天幕を撤去して、祭司たちが契約の箱をかつぐと、彼らは民の前に先立って進み、
15 とくに川のほとりのすべての場所で、ヨルダンが氾濫していた時季には、祭司たちがヨルダンにはいると、ヨルダンの水はすべての岸辺にあふれる。
16 下流の都アダムのすぐ近くのジャールの町から流れてくる水は全部一つになり、非常に遠いソガルの海の水もまた一つになって、立ち上がって堤防の上にあがる。
17 上流で止まった水はことごとく海となり、民はヨルダンを渡りながら、エリコの向こう側へ進んだ。祭司たちが民の前に先立って主の契約の箱をかついで立つと、民はことごとく渡り過ぎた。
Joshua 3:14-17:
14 When the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them.
15 Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge,
16 the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.
17 The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.
This passage describes the event where the Jordan River miraculously stopped flowing to allow the Israelites to cross into the Promised Land.
🟦The Jourdan's River lyrics
We are crossing Jordan River
Want my crown, my golden crown
Yes we are crossing Jordan River
Give me my crown, my golden crown
Jordan River is chilly and cold
Chills the body, not the soul
We are crossing Jordan River
Want my crown, my golden crown
Now when I get to heaven
Gonna sit down on a golden throne
Well when I get to heaven
I’m gonna sit down on my golden throne
Jordan River is chilly and cold
Chills the body, not the soul
We are crossing Jordan River
Want my crown, my golden crown
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder
I want my crown, my golden crown
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder
I want my crown, my golden crown
Jordan River is chilly and cold
Chills the body, not the soul
We are crossing Jordan River
Want my crown, my golden crown
Now all you sinners
Get together and follow me, yeah, follow me
Now all you sinners, men and women
Get together and follow me, yeah, follow me
Jordan River is chilly and cold
Chills the body, not the soul
We are crossing Jordan River
Want my crown, my golden crown
それは、体を冷やすが、 魂までは冷やさない。
ヨルダン川 / The Jourdan's River ヨシュア記3章:14-17 #ヨルダン川 #Jourdans_River #ヨシュア記 #聖書