【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto

【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto                                   


秦氏とは、どんな人たちでしょうか?  "Who are the people of the Qin family?"

秦氏とは、どんな人たちでしょうか?  "Who are the people of the Qin family?" 


In ancient times, there was a clan that migrated from the Korean Peninsula. According to the "Nihon Shoki" (Chronicles of Japan), the tradition begins with the arrival of Prince Yudzuki (弓月君, Yudzuki no Kimi), who is said to be a descendant of the first emperor of Qin, as mentioned in the reign of Emperor Ojin. He led a large number of people in their migration.


The character "秦" (Qin) carries the meaning of "sea" in ancient Korean, and it is believed that this clan group actually migrated from Silla to Japan around the mid-5th century.


The Qin clan established its stronghold around the area of Uzumasa in Kano District, Yamashiro Province, and built a strong presence throughout the Kinki region of Japan.




The Qin clan has various traditions, with one of the most representative being from the era of Emperor Ouryaku. The clan leader, Hata no Sakaki (秦酒公, Hata no Sakaki Kimi), gathered 180 types of "勝" (Suguri), which refers to tribes or groups, that were scattered across the country.

In this context, "勝" refers to tribes or groups.

Hata no Sakaki Kimi adorned the gathered "Suguri" with fine silk and presented them to the imperial court. In return, he was granted the surname Uzumasa (兎豆麻佐, Uzumasa). It is said that the name "Uzumasa" in Kyoto is derived from this event.

 #秦氏 #秦酒公 #太秦