【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto

【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto                                   


日本人のキリスト教観と共通する言葉 Common Ground in the Christian Perspectives of the Japanese People.


Common Ground in the Christian Perspectives of the Japanese People.


New Year's First Three Days and the Resurrection of O-toso.

▷屠る (殺され) 3日目に蘇った (生き返る) イエス。


"正月三が日" refers to the first three days of the New Year.
"お屠蘇" is a traditional Japanese New Year's drink often consumed during this period.

"屠る" (slaughtered) implies a connection to sacrifice or death.
"3日目に蘇った" (resurrected on the third day) draws a parallel to the resurrection of Jesus, who, according to Christian tradition, rose from the dead on the third day.

 "聖餐式" (the Holy Communion), and note that "餅" (mochi) in this context refers to unleavened bread, similar to the Christian communion practice of using unleavened bread as a symbol of the body of Christ.

  蘇民将来之子孫也(そみんしょうらいの しそんなり)


The phrase "蘇民将来之子孫也" can be translated into English as "Descendants of the Future Resurrected People."

Breaking it down:

"蘇民" means "resurrected people" or "revived people."
"将来之" is "of the future."
"子孫也" means "descendants."

Therefore, the entire phrase conveys the idea that it refers to the descendants of people who will be resurrected in the future. In simpler terms, it can be translated as "Descendants of those who will be resurrected in the future" or "Future descendants of the resurrected."

蘇民将来は、 八坂神社の祭神 素戔鳴尊にまつわる故事の人物。
"Somin Shorai" is a figure in the narrative surrounding Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the enshrined deity at Yasaka Shrine. This figure is venerated as part of a tale associated with the shrine, and is revered for the purpose of warding off misfortune through prayers for protection.

 蘇我馬子 (仏教の擁護者) 

"I am the resurrected child of the stable."

ヨハネ11:25「我は蘇りであり、命である 」
John 11:25 - "I am the resurrection and the life."

厩戸王子 (うまやどのおうじ)


The name "厩戸王子" (Umayado no Ōji) can be translated into English as "Prince Umayado."
The statement "馬小屋の前で生まれた=聖徳太子" translates to "Born in front of the stable = Prince Shōtoku."

「和をもって貴しとなす」 詩篇113:1
"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap." (Psalm 113:1)

「日出ずる所・・・」 詩篇113:3
"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets..." (Psalm 113:3)


家族の重要性: 日本の伝統的な価値観では、家族は非常に重要視されています。この点はキリスト教の価値観とも一致しており、キリスト教徒も家族を大切にする傾向があります。

礼儀正しさ: 日本文化では礼儀正しさが重要視され、他者への尊重や思いやりが大切にされています。キリスト教も愛と他者への思いやりを重視し、共通する点があります。

精密さと美意識 : 日本の文化は精密で美しいものを重視します。これは、キリスト教の価値観である神聖なものに対する敬意や美意識とも関連しています。建築物や芸術などにおいても、共通した美的な要素が見られます。

共感と協力 : 日本文化では共感や協力が重要視されており、集団志向の傾向があります。キリスト教も愛と協力を強調しており、他者とのつながりや助け合いが共通の価値観です。

Commonalities between Japanese Culture and Christianity

Family Importance: In traditional Japanese values, family holds significant importance. This perspective aligns with Christian values, as Christians also tend to cherish the importance of family.

Politeness: Japanese culture emphasizes politeness, respect for others, and consideration towards others. Christianity also places importance on love and consideration for others, creating a commonality in these aspects.

Precision and Aesthetic Sensibility: Japanese culture values precision and beauty, which is also related to the reverence and aesthetic sensibility present in Christian values. Common aesthetic elements can be observed in architecture, art, and other aspects of both cultures.

Empathy and Cooperation: Japanese culture places importance on empathy and cooperation, displaying a tendency towards a group-oriented mindset. Christianity also emphasizes love and cooperation, fostering shared values of connections with others and mutual assistance.