【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto

【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto                                   


「日本のキリスト教禁止令の歴史と復活:島原の乱から明治 "The Shimabara Rebellion" - Strict Restrictions and Prohibition of Christianity時代への軌跡」

「日本のキリスト教禁止令の歴史と復活:島原の乱から明治時代への軌跡」 "The Shimabara Rebellion" - Strict Restrictions and Prohibition of Christianity



"The Shimabara Rebellion" - Strict Restrictions and Prohibition of Christianity

In the history of Japan, Christianity has at times been the subject of strict restrictions and prohibitions. Particularly noteworthy events in this history include the Arima Harunobu's Red Seal Ship Incident in the 14th year of Keicho (1609) and the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637.



Sakoku System

In 1609, a disturbance incident erupted in Portuguese-controlled Macau, triggered by the dealings between Arima Harunobu's sailors and Portuguese ship crew members. This incident further heightened the vigilance against Christianity in Japan. Subsequently, during the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637, a armed conflict led by peasants took place in Shimabara, ruled by Christian daimyos such as Arima Harunobu and Konishi Yukinaga. This event played a significant role in the completion of the Sakoku (isolationist) system in Japan.



Sakoku Edicts

Under the Sakoku Edicts, Japan restricted contact with foreign countries, specifically prohibiting the arrival of Portuguese ships. Interactions with the Dutch at Dejima in Nagasaki were also limited, leading to a prolonged period of isolation for Japan.



However, with the onset of the Meiji era, the ban on Christianity was lifted, leading to the resumption of missionary activities by foreign missionaries.

In 1873, the prohibition on Christianity was lifted, and Catholic and Protestant churches actively expanded their missionary activities in Japan. This eventually led to the formation of "bands" centered around missionary work in places such as Yokohama, Kumamoto, Sapporo, and others.



"William S. Clark and the Revival of Christianity in the Meiji Era"

During the Meiji era, the lifting of the ban on Christianity in Japan brought about significant transformations. Among the notable figures during this period was William S. Clark, the first vice-principal of Sapporo Agricultural College, known for his famous words, "Boys, be ambitious."


Clark was a central figure in the Sapporo Band and played a crucial role in the spread of Christianity in Japan. Under his guidance, prominent figures such as Uchimura Kanzo, Nitobe Inazo, and Miyabe Kingo, who later became leaders in Japan's Christian community, were nurtured at Sapporo Agricultural College.





Lifting of the Ban on Christianity

In the early Meiji period, with the lifting of the ban on Christianity, the number of Christians increased rapidly. Even the upper class actively engaged with Christianity, leading to a significant surge in Orthodox Christians in 1888, followed by Protestants in 1895 and Catholics.

However, due to the Meiji government's constitution and imperial rescripts, the atmosphere towards Christianity became more hostile. The emphasis on State Shinto, in particular, created challenging circumstances for Christians.

清教徒(プロテスタント) Protestants

カトリック教徒 Catholic Christians




The Jesuit Order and the Catholic Church

From the mid-Meiji era onwards, Christianity faced challenging circumstances in Japan. Nevertheless, the churches exerted efforts in education, social welfare activities, and other areas, managing to maintain their influence.

Both the Jesuit order, the Catholic Church, and Protestant denominations established universities, sanatoriums, schools, and engaged in social welfare activities during this period.


In 1941, Protestants consolidated 333 denominations into one, establishing the "Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan" (Japan Christian Association). This initiative played a pivotal role in the post-war reconstruction of Christianity in Japan.


The revival and development of Christianity during this era were the result of the dedicated efforts of many notable figures, including William S. Clark, and their influence continues to have a profound impact on contemporary Japan.



1. **歴史的背景と国家神道の影響: 日本は長らく国家神道が主流であり、キリスト教が布教される前は仏教や神道が主要な宗教でした。


In Japan, Christians are extremely rare on a global scale, and the reasons for this are complex, influenced by several factors.

1. **Historical Background and Influence of State Shintoism**: For a long time, State Shintoism dominated in Japan, with Buddhism and Shinto being the major religions before the introduction of Christianity.

Until the Meiji era, State Shintoism was emphasized, and its influence persisted even after the war. Due to this historical background, it can be inferred that Christianity found it challenging to penetrate as a common faith.

2. **他の新興宗教の影響: 日本では新興宗教が多く、創価学会などが一定の影響力を持っています。これらの宗教がキリスト教徒を上回る信者数を持っているため、キリスト教が主流になりづらくなっています。

2. **Influence of Other New Religions**: In Japan, there are numerous new religious movements, with groups like the Soka Gakkai exerting significant influence. Because these religions have a larger number of followers compared to Christianity, it becomes challenging for Christianity to become mainstream.

3. **文化的背景: 日本の文化や価値観は独自のものであり、キリスト教の教義が異なることから、受け入れられにくい側面もあります。多くの日本人は宗教的な枠に縛られず、仏教神道といった伝統的な宗教観を持っています。

3. **Cultural Background**: Japan's culture and values are distinct, and the differences in Christian doctrines make acceptance challenging. Many Japanese people hold traditional religious views, such as Buddhism and Shinto, without being confined to a specific religious framework. This cultural uniqueness contributes to the difficulty of widespread acceptance of Christianity.

4. **教育と聖書の普及: キリスト教の教育が進まず、聖書が広く浸透しなかったことも影響しています。創価学会などが積極的に布教活動を行っていた一方で、キリスト教が十分に広まらなかったことが挙げられます。

4. **Education and Dissemination of the Bible**: The lack of widespread Christian education and limited penetration of the Bible also contribute to the situation. While groups like the Soka Gakkai actively engage in missionary activities, Christianity, on the other hand, has not spread widely enough.

5. **宗教の多様性: 日本は宗教的に多様な国であり、仏教や神道に加え、新興宗教や民間信仰も根付いています。これらの多様性が、



Religious Diversity: Japan is a country characterized by religious diversity, with Buddhism and Shinto being prominent, alongside the presence of emerging religions and folk beliefs. The coexistence of these diverse faiths may pose challenges to the widespread acceptance of Christianity, which is often perceived as a more common religion.

In general, a complex interplay of factors, including history, culture, and the influence of other religions, has contributed to the ongoing difficulty in the spread of Christianity in Japan.



Religious Diversity and Historical Background Influence

When considering the reasons behind the relatively low number of Christians and Muslims in Japan, it becomes evident that religious diversity and historical background play significant roles.

1. **多神教の国での多様性: 日本は多神教の国であり、神道と仏教が独自の形で共存しています。この多神教的な背景が、一神教であるキリスト教やイスラム教が馴染みにくいとされています。


1. **Polytheistic Diversity in a Country:** Japan is a polytheistic country where Shinto and Buddhism coexist in distinctive ways. The polytheistic background of Japan makes it challenging for monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam to integrate seamlessly.

 Many Japanese people commonly accept multiple beliefs simultaneously, and this propensity is considered a constraint on their engagement with other monotheistic faiths.

2. **歴史的な背景: 日本の歴史的な背景も影響しています。キリスト教が日本に初めて伝わった時期には、国家神道が強く、キリスト教が抑圧された歴史があります。


2. **Historical Background:** The historical context of Japan also exerts a significant influence. During the initial introduction of Christianity to Japan, the nation was strongly influenced by State Shinto, leading to a history of suppression of Christianity.

This historical suppression made the proliferation of monotheistic faiths, including Christianity, challenging. Additionally, the historical context indicates a limited spread of Islam in Japan.

The dominance of State Shinto during the period of Christianity's introduction created a challenging environment for the acceptance and growth of monotheistic beliefs. This historical backdrop remains a crucial factor in understanding the relatively low presence of Christianity and Islam in Japan.

3. **戦争と宗教の関連: 日本は歴史的に宗教戦争や宗教的な紛争が少なかったことも、キリスト教やイスラム教の普及に対する制約となっています。


3. **War and Religious Connections:** Historically, Japan has experienced fewer religious wars or conflicts, which has also posed constraints on the spread of Christianity and Islam in the country.

In contrast, Western Europe has had significant historical events such as the Crusades, which were religious wars. The scarcity of religious conflicts in Japan has contributed to a relatively lower intensity of religious fervor compared to regions with a history of religious warfare.

The absence of religious wars in Japan contrasts with the historical significance of religious conflicts in Western Europe, presenting a distinctive aspect that has impacted the dynamics of religious acceptance and proliferation in the country.


In summary, the combination of Japan's polytheistic background and the historical absence of significant religious conflicts has been identified as a key factor constraining the widespread adoption of Christianity and Islam in the country.



In the history of medieval and post-medieval Europe and the Middle East, religion played a significant role as a cause of wars, with examples such as the Crusades and religious conflicts, including the Religious Reformation, serving as notable instances. These historical events manifested particularly as conflicts between Christianity and Islam, serving as catalysts for war.



However, as the modern era unfolded, religious conflicts saw resolution through agreements such as the Peace of Westphalia, and the causes of wars shifted away from religious factors to territorial and national interests.

For instance, wars in the latter half of the 17th century and beyond were predominantly driven by disputes over territory, colonial ambitions, and the rise and establishment of nations. This shift contributed to the development of modern international law.


In the context of Japanese history, large-scale wars based on religion were relatively infrequent. This historical background can be attributed, in part, to the limited spread of monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam in Japan.



1. **多神教の広がり: アジアの多くの国々は多神教が主流であり、異なる信仰が共存していました。これが宗教対立を緩和し、戦争の原因となる宗教的な対立が少なかった要因の一つです。

In Asia, there were several factors behind the scarcity of religious wars. The following are the primary reasons:

1. **Proliferation of Polytheistic Beliefs: Many countries in Asia embraced polytheistic religions, where different faiths coexisted. This played a role in mitigating religious conflicts and contributed to the limited occurrence of religiously motivated disputes, as the diversity of beliefs helped ease tensions that often lead to the religious conflicts that trigger wars.

2. **文化的・宗教的寛容: アジアの歴史的な文化や宗教は、寛容性を重視する傾向がありました。異なる宗教や文化を受け入れ、共存することが一般的でした。これが対立の少なさに寄与しました。

2. **Cultural and Religious Tolerance: The historical cultures and religions of Asia exhibited a tendency towards tolerance. Acceptance and coexistence of different religions and cultures were common values, contributing to a low level of conflict. This emphasis on tolerance played a significant role in minimizing confrontations and fostering an environment where diverse religious beliefs could peacefully coexist.

3. **政治の安定性: 中国やインドなどのアジアの大帝国は、比較的安定しており、戦乱が少なかった時期が長かったです。政治的な安定が宗教的な対立を沈静化させ、戦争の抑制に寄与しました。

3. **Political Stability: The major empires in Asia, such as China and India, enjoyed a relatively stable political climate, experiencing prolonged periods of peace. Political stability played a crucial role in quelling religious tensions, contributing to the restraint of conflicts and the limited occurrence of wars.

4. **遠い地域への拡大: アジアの帝国が拡大する際、異なる宗教や文化を含む多様な地域を支配することがありましたが、これは比較的平和な統治を促進しました。

4. **Expansion into Diverse Territories: As Asian empires expanded, they often came to rule over diverse regions encompassing different religions and cultures. Surprisingly, this diversity sometimes facilitated a relatively peaceful governance, as rulers had an incentive to maintain stability and harmony among the various communities under their rule.

5. **戦国時代の経験の違い: 中国の戦国時代は一時的に多くの戦乱があったものの、その後に統一された時代が続きました。一方で、ヨーロッパでは戦国時代が比較的長く続き、多くの国々が争っていました。

5. **Divergent Experiences of Warring States Periods: While China experienced a period of significant internal strife during the Warring States period, it was followed by an era of unification and stability. In contrast, Europe endured a relatively prolonged Warring States period, with many nations engaged in conflict for an extended duration. These differing historical trajectories influenced the prevalence of religious wars in the respective regions.


However, it is important to note that these factors do not uniformly apply to all of Asia, as different historical and cultural backgrounds have influenced each region uniquely.



The Unique Circumstances Allowing the Coexistence of Temples and Shrines in Japan

Several factors have influenced the special circumstances that enabled temples and shrines to coexist in Japan, where religious conflicts have been relatively rare.

1. **神仏習合: 日本では神道と仏教が習合し、寺院と神社が同じ場所に存在することが一般的でした。この習合は古くから行われ、神道の自然信仰と仏教の教えが調和したことで、宗教的な争いを避ける土壌が築かれました。

1. **Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism:** In Japan, the blending of Shinto and Buddhism, known as "Shinbutsu Shugo," was a common practice, allowing temples and shrines to coexist in the same vicinity. This syncretism, established since ancient times, harmonized the natural beliefs of Shinto with the teachings of Buddhism, creating a foundation that mitigated religious conflicts.

2. **アニミズムの影響: 日本のアニミズム的な伝統は、自然物や自然現象に神聖性を見出す傾向があります。これが寺院や神社が森や自然の中に建てられ、宗教的な対立が少なかった一因です。

2. **Influence of Animism:** The animistic tradition in Japan tends to attribute sacredness to natural elements and phenomena. This inclination has played a role in the construction of temples and shrines within forests and natural settings, contributing to the scarcity of religious conflicts.

3. **文化的寛容: 日本の文化は寛容性を重視しており、異なる信仰が共存することが一般的でした。異なる宗教の信者が争うよりも、異なる信仰を尊重する文化が根付いていました。

3. **Cultural Tolerance:** Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on tolerance, and the coexistence of different beliefs has been commonplace. Rather than fostering conflicts between followers of different religions, the culture has ingrained a respect for diverse faiths.

4. **一向一揆の例外性: 一向宗による一揆が宗教的な争いの一例でしたが、これは特異な事例であり、一般的な宗教対立とは異なります。また、これも比較的限定的な範囲で発生しました。

4. **Exceptionality of Ikko Ikki Uprisings:** An example of religious conflict in Japan was the Ikko Ikki uprisings led by the Ikko sect. However, this was a distinctive case and differed from typical religious conflicts. Furthermore, such incidents occurred relatively infrequently and within a limited scope.

5. **多神教の寛容性: 日本の多神教的な伝統は、異なる神々や信仰が共存することを容認しています。これが他の宗教に対する寛容性につながりました。

5. **Tolerance in Polytheism:** The polytheistic tradition in Japan allows for the coexistence of different deities and beliefs. This openness has contributed to a general tolerance towards other religions.

6. **神道と国家体制の結びつき: 神道は日本の国家体制とも結びついており、天皇制度との調和が図られました。これにより、宗教的な対立が国家に悪影響を及ぼすことが避けられました。

6. **Alignment of Shinto with the National System:** Shinto in Japan has been closely tied to the national system, establishing harmony with the imperial institution. This connection has helped prevent adverse effects of religious conflicts on the state, as conflicts that might disrupt the national order were avoided.


In summary, the religious landscape in Japan can be attributed to a culture that embraced and fostered the acceptance and coexistence of diverse beliefs. This cultural foundation has been a key factor in the scarcity of religious conflicts in Japan.

なぜ日本人はキリスト教を信じないのか【仏教からみた視点】"Why do Japanese people not believe in Christianity #キリスト文化 #仏教文化 #日本文化