【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto

【阪本研究所】 SK laboratory 代表 Kazuyoshi Sakamoto                                   


【秦氏と関係?】木嶋坐天照御魂神社と大避神社  失われた10支族、古代イスラエルのユダ族である秦氏が、日本の文明に多大なる影響を与えた⁉ "Relationship with the Qin Clan? Kijima sits at the Amaterasu Gokon Shrine and Ohi Shrine, the lost ten tribes, the Qin Clan of ancient Israel, has had a profound influence on Japanese civilization. ⁉"

【秦氏と関係?】木嶋坐天照御魂神社と大避神社  失われた10支族、古代イスラエルのユダ族である秦氏が、日本の文明に多大なる影響を与えた⁉

Relationship with the Qin Clan? Kijima sits at the Amaterasu Gokon Shrine and Ohi Shrine, the lost ten tribes, the Qin Clan of ancient Israel, has had a profound influence on Japanese civilization. ⁉

木嶋坐天照御魂神社 The Kijima Sits Amaterasu Gokon Shrine



The Kijima Sits Amaterasu Gokon Shrine is located in Morigahigashi-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City. Locally known as "Kijima Shrine" or "Kaikonosha," it is speculated to be related to the Qin Clan, a group of immigrants, who introduced sericulture techniques to this area.

【秦氏と関係?】木嶋坐天照御魂神社と大避神社  失われた10支族、古代イスラエルのユダ族である秦氏が、日本の文明に多大なる影響を与えた⁉


The most famous element hinting at a connection with the Qin Clan is the "Sanbiki Torii" or "Three Torii Gates" placed at Motoyori Pond. Counted as one of the "Kyoto Sanjin Torii" (Three Rare Torii of Kyoto), this peculiar arrangement of three torii gates forming a triangle has sparked various speculations. The enigmatic shape, combined with the ancestral origins of the Qin Clan, lends it a mystical significance, suggestive of occult meanings.


Particularly noteworthy is the theory mentioned in the historical records, suggesting that the "Sanbiki Torii" might be a "relic of Nestorian Christianity." Somehow, this notion is intriguing and adds an air of curiosity.


Furthermore, each of the three torii gates is said to face the Matsuoo Taisha, Fushimi Inari Taisha, and Futagayama, all of which are associated with the Qin Clan. This alignment has led to the consideration that there might be a high degree of relevance between the Qin Clan and the shrine. Inside the Sanbiki Torii, there is a sacred seat (kamikura) piled with stones symbolizing the center of the universe.



The shrine grounds feature a pond. At the end of July, the "Mitarashi Festival" takes place at this pond, where participants purify their hands and feet with the water from the pond.


Interestingly, a similar ritual takes place at a baptismal pool in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.




There is a theory suggesting that the name of the land they inhabited, Uzumasa, derives from the Hebrew phrase meaning "gift of light."


太(うず)means "light," and 秦(まさ)means "gift" or "bestowal." Therefore, 太秦 (Uzumasa) can be interpreted as "the gift of light."

しかしながら、後に「いしゅ」「ましゃ」➡ イエス・キリストから、由来したものと現在では考えられています。

However, later on, it is currently believed that the name Uzumasa derived from "ishu" or "masha," which is thought to be associated with Jesus Christ.

秦河勝(はたのかわかつ)Hatano Kawakatsu


Now, who was Hatano Kawakatsu, a prominent figure among the Qin Clan?

大避神社(おおさけじんじゃ)Ōsake Jinja


In Akō City, Hyōgo Prefecture, there is a shrine known for preserving the legends associated with him—Ōsake Jinja (大避神社).

The characters for Ōsake are said to signify "David." In Chinese, David is expressed as "大避" (Dàbì).

イサライ井戸 Isarai Well



Within the precincts of this shrine, there is the Isarai Well. It is said to exist because the enshrined deity is believed to be the God of Judaism. Inside the well, there are twelve stones arranged in a circle. Why specifically twelve?

12という数字は 古代イスラエルの種族の数で、イスラエル人にとって12は神聖な数字です。

The number 12 holds significance as it represents the ancient Israelite tribes, and for the Israelites, 12 is considered a sacred number.


Furthermore, within this shrine, there is an ancient mask that dates back over 1,300 years. The mask depicts a face with Western features, notably a prominent nose. It is speculated that this face may be related to the deities of Israel, particularly the God of Judaism, or even David.

秦河勝(はた の かわかつ)は、スーッと高く西洋人顔であり、アジアの弓月から来た秦氏は日本人離れした高い鼻をしていたというと言われています。秦氏たちは日本の人口が600万人という時代に、渡来した19万人を誇る巨大集団 でした。

Hatano Kawakatsu is often described as having a refined, Western-like facial structure. It is said that when the Qin Clan arrived from the Asian continent, they had distinct features, including a higher nose compared to the general Japanese population. The Qin Clan, arriving during an era when Japan's population was around six million, constituted a massive group of approximately 190,000 immigrants.


また、京都嵐山の渡月橋近く彼らの功績は 1300年を経た今でも確かに残っています。葛野大堰(かどのおおい)です。これによりこの付近の農業が飛躍的に発展しました。

Kadono Ooi (葛野大堰)

Furthermore, near the Togetsukyo Bridge in Kyoto's Arashiyama, their achievements are still evident even after more than 1300 years. This is exemplified by Kadono Ooi (葛野大堰), which played a pivotal role in the dramatic development of agriculture in this vicinity.


The flow of the Katsura River is halted by a weir located just before the Togetsukyo Bridge, causing water to accumulate, creating a lake-like area. This area is known as Kadono Ooi (葛野大堰).

京都伏見稲荷大社 Kyoto Fushimi Inari Taisha


Surprisingly, even the famous Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto, known for the Inari deity, was founded by the Qin Clan. Fushimi Inari Taisha serves as the head shrine of the Inari shrines, boasting an impressive network of 40,000 branch shrines throughout the country.

製塩の技術 Salt Production Technology


Furthermore, the salt production technology in Ako was originally transmitted by the Qin Clan. Salt production involves the manufacturing of table salt from sources such as seawater or rock salt.




It is also considered that "Gagaku," traditional Japanese court music and dance, might have been transmitted by the Qin Clan.

雅楽」は、日本古来の儀式音楽や舞踊などと、仏教伝来の飛鳥時代から平安時代初めにかけての400年間あまりの間に、中国大陸や朝鮮半島から伝えられた音楽や舞、そして平安時代に日本独自の様式に整えられた音楽などです。 奈良時代・平安時代から、雅楽の演奏は、宮廷、寺院や神社において盛んに演奏されました。

"Gagaku" is a form of traditional Japanese ceremonial music and dance. Over a span of approximately 400 years, from the Asuka period to the early Heian period, various musical and dance forms were introduced to Japan from the Chinese mainland and the Korean Peninsula, alongside the propagation of Buddhism. During the Nara and Heian periods, Gagaku performances flourished in the imperial court, temples, and shrines, evolving into a distinctive Japanese style.


Indeed, regardless of the specifics, it is quite certain that "Gagaku" was transmitted from naturalized individuals (immigrants).


The lost ten tribes, particularly the Qin Clan, believed to be descendants of the ancient Israelite tribe of Judah, are thought to have had a profound impact on Japanese civilization, leaving behind numerous legends.